Thursday, November 17, 2011

Chick-Fil-A Ice Dream

Our class won an Ice Dream party from Chick-Fil-A because we had to highest participation in Spirit Night last Tuesday night.  The kids always LOVE having this treat :)

In years past a PTA mom has always gone to Chick-Fil-A, picked up our ice dream, and delivered it to our classroom.  This year, Chick Fil A's Marketing Director, Miss Amanda Butts, delivered our ice dream to us personally.  Not only did she bring us ice dream, but she brought each student a Chick-Fil-A cow, balloons to decorate our room, AND toppings for their ice dream.  She even spent about 15 minutes answering the kids' questions and talking with them.  What a great representative for our Decatur CFA!

 The yummy toppings:  sprinkles, cherries, and oreos
 Our class with Miss Amanda and their cows.


We have begun writing our first 5-paragraph essay of this school year.  We are writing about our favorite holiday.
Each student began by making a story-web.
 They then started working on their 3 body paragraphs.
We will work on our rough drafts, then peer-edit & teacher conference, and finally publish.  I can't wait to see how great these turn out.


After almost 4 LOONNG months without it, our projector was finally replaced Tuesday morning.  We were all SOOO excited.  Now we can use our ELMO and MOBI again.  Welcome back to the 21st Century, Mrs. Upton's class.

A special thanks to a few proactive parents that were very helpful in getting this item replaced :)