Yesterday we began our study of multiplication. We began by finding multiples of several numbers and viewing their patterns. A few of the patterns we noticed were that multiples of 5 end in 5 or 0, multiples of 2 end in an even digit, and multiples of 3 moved diagonally.
Today we moved further into our study of multiplication and began looking at arrays. The students spent somet time exploring our classroom for objects that created an array. We learned that arrays are made up of rows and columns that are even. The dimensions of the array are the factors of our multiplication problem.
Johnathan is checking out the 3 x 6 array on the crate.
Grayson is drawing the 5 x 2 array of the drawers in the back of the room.
Lawren is checking out the 2 x 2 array of the CAFE board.
Ask your child to find some things around your house or on your next grocery trip that come in an array.
I like the way that you had them look for the patterns in each multiple and color in the multiples. You don't by any chance have that sheet that you used available for download do you? I would love to start doing it just that way with my kids. Thanks!