As I said in the e-mail I sent out, this was the fastest first day in the history of my career! I will say that even though it was a fast day I can still confidently say that I have the sweetest fourth grade class in the entire Decatur City School District.
This morning I met the students in the Little Theatre to walk them down to the classroom. When they entered they unpacked, placed their backpack on the back of their chair, and began working on the back to school packet on their desk.
While they worked on their first day of school packet I took care of first day of school house keeping business in the classroom. I think the packet was probably more fun :).
At 8:30 they learned where they would place their back pack each day and how to make a lunch choice in their new classroom. My bet is they enter the room and take care of unpacking, placing their back packs in the hallway, and making a lunch choice like fourth grade pros tomorrow morning!
At 8:45 we began an M & M get to know you activity.
Each M & M colored represented a topic. Reds were their favorite TV show or movie, Orange was something they like about school, Yellow represents hobbies, Green is books/authors/series they enjoy reading, Blue is words that describe them, and Brown represents places they like to visit.
They sorted their M&Ms and began making their lists because each M&M they had of each color was one item they had to list in that category. At 9:00 we began sharing our interests. Many of us learned of others in the room that share many of our same interests,
At 9:30 we began setting up our S.O.A.R. Binders. Each student received their S.O.A.R. Binder Cover and a few pieces of the Procedures Manual for our classroom. We began working our way through the pieces of the Procedures Manual that we needed to line up, travel down the hallway, use the bathroom, and function appropriately in PE. Once we finished reviewing those pieces of our manual it was time for PE, so off we went!
After PE we stopped by the bathroom and then made our way to the cafeteria so that we could review lunch procedures prior to the cafeteria filling up. All of these little procedure reviews took up valuable classroom time, but by taking the time to review the procedures in detail now we should save time later.
We returned to the classroom to discuss being nut-free this year and why we needed to make that accommodation. After answering a few questions it was time for lunch!
Following lunch we reviewed 2 other pieces of our procedures manual, reviewed our newsletter and behavior log, and received a first day of school snack.
We snapped a few first day of school group shots and then it was time to begin packing up :(.
Students completed their Behavior Log and then met me in the hallway for individual first day of school photographs.
Their day ended in S.T.E.M. with Mrs. Davis and Drama with Mrs. Knox.
I hope your child's first day was great! I know mine was, it was just entirely too quick.
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